How It's Made


How It’s Made

Since Credo is divided between a traditional show and an ongoing series of stories online, making sure that both aspects of the narrative are as engaging as possible is imperative. 


The show’s writers will not only be creating an engaging half hour of TV, but an entire world outside the classroom as well. First-hand knowledge and understanding of this world is crucial. That means finding writers and creators who have lived in this world, and can bring their unique perspective and knowledge to every aspect of each character’s story.


With their lives being broadcast 24 hours a day on social media, the characters in Credo are as close to real as a fictional show can get. 

So finding the right combination of actors is crucial to establishing legitimacy and accuracy, while also creating content that’s both memorable and worthy of sharing over the course of a year. For the show and the video/photo related social media posts, we’ll find young actors who can show all sides of a character’s personalities, from introspective to inane, depressed to delighted. 

Character Curators

Each character’s social media life, on the other hand, will be curated by a young social media influencer who will bring their knowledge, credibility, and audience to whatever platform a character lives on.

  • The funny character’s videos will be written/curated by a funny TikTok influencer.

  • The musician character’s songs will be shadow written by a musical artist who’s big on SoundCloud. 

  • The activist character’s tweets will be crafted by an influential Twitter teen activist.

If we can find an influencer who is also a great actor, then those two roles can be merged into one.

Potential Character/Curator Pairings

Sander Baldwin

(“The Clown”)

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Timothy Bunch

(“The Poor Kid”)

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RHYS Jaques

(“The Rebel”)

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Melange Lipton

(“The Conscience”)


Grace Tan

(“The Dream Girl”)

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Joffrey Leonard

(“The Musician”)

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(“The FREAK”)

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(“The Artiste”)

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Holly Sherman

(“The Loner”)

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David Davis

(“The Jock”)

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